Jack - Pariah Dog Samui


Sex: Male
DOB: 2015/16

Jack came to us together with his sister Bonnie (who has been adopted) and brother Lenny, who sadly passed away in 2022. They were living on some land in the north of Samui and the owner of the land threatened to poison them if they weren’t immediately removed (despite the fact they weren’t causing any problems) so we agreed to take them in to our care and keep them safe.
Jack lost his eye in a dog fight before he came to us, there was nothing that we could do to save the eye, hence why he was given the name Jack – after Jack Sparrow!
Jack is a wise old soul. He was previously the alpha male in the biggest compound we have, but as he grew older the younger dogs knew they could overpower him so we moved him to a quieter more chilled out compound where he is very happy. He gets on well with all the other dogs there and loves nothing more than an ear scratch and cuddles with any humans who come in. He’s not shy, always quick to welcome any visitors we have. The photos in this file really don’t do him justice (we must get some better ones added in!) aside from his eye which can look a wee bit scary when you first see him, he’s a beautiful boy! His coat is gorgeous and shiny and he likes to sit with his chin slightly tilted up looking very proud of himself (rightly so we say!) We think he’s got some Golden Retriever in him.
Jack is a very placid, friendly dog with a lovely calm nature.

Jack's Photo Gallery

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Every donation that we receive is incredibly valuable and helps us continue to provide for the dogs under our care.


ACCT #: 404-918130-4
NAME: Nicola Muir

Pariah Dog Samui Thai Bank QR

Nicola Muir
IBAN: GB57BOFS80487910678160

Nicola Muir
Sort code: 80-48-79
Account number: 10678160