Maggie - Pariah Dog Samui


Sex: Female
DOB: 2018

Maggie came to the shelter when he was just a young puppy, along with his brothers and sisters: Jocky, Lady Hamish, & Billy are all still in the shelter (sadly their sister Kirsty was killed by a cobra 2 years ago). Maggie was also hit by the cobra attack and was really poorly for a few weeks and needed lots of TLC, but she’s a very strong wee dog and she survived and is in perfect health today!
Maggie is nicknamed Waggy Maggie because she has such a happy waggy tail! Her tail helicopters when she’s excited (super cute!)
She’s got a lovely soft nature, we’ve taken her with us when we’ve visited schools before and she was great and very patient with all the school kids. Maggie tends to hold back when visitors first come into her compound, she’ll run down to say hello sometimes, but she quickly heads back up to the sala where she normally hangs out and waits there for the humans to come to her so there are fewer dogs around. Her other favorite spot is up on top of a big rock just beside the sala, she can often be seen lying on her rock keeping an eye on everything that’s going on!
Maggie has a super expressive little cute face. In a home environment, she would quickly flourish and would be a wonderful companion and friend for a lucky family. When she was recovering from the cobra attack she came to my home for some TLC and was very well-behaved (never made a mess in the house, was quiet and didn’t bark, got on with my own 2 dogs and was chilled out and happy to fit in!) She was quite nervous in the car, but that’s to be expected and even after a couple of trips the nerves were subsiding.
Maggie is a very happy, chilled-out pooch who has excited moments and loves human attention.

Maggie's Photo Gallery

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Every donation that we receive is incredibly valuable and helps us continue to provide for the dogs under our care.


ACCT #: 404-918130-4
NAME: Nicola Muir

Pariah Dog Samui Thai Bank QR

Nicola Muir
IBAN: GB57BOFS80487910678160

Nicola Muir
Sort code: 80-48-79
Account number: 10678160