Nanny - Pariah Dog Samui


Sex: Female
DOB: Approx. 2015

Nanny was the favorite (or almost pet dog) of the man who founded Pariah. She was one of the first dogs they took in. She had a bad wound on her body that needed treatment.
It quickly became apparent that she acted like a Nanny to some of the young pups that were also at the shelter, so the name stuck!
She’s a very strikingly beautiful dog and very funny! She has two favorite spots, one is lying in one of the big food troughs growling at any other dog that walks in a 5-meter radius of her (all growl no bite, however!) and the other is up on the sala with Lyra, her best pal! From their vantage point there they can keep a close eye on anyone coming in and out of the compound. Nanny never runs to the gate to greet us (or very rarely!) it’s more a case of… I know you will come to me anyway so I’m waiting right here with a very waggy tail for you! And when I approach her she sticks her paw out straight away to catch my arm – as if to say, you’re not going anywhere until you’ve said hello to me, please! She gets really excited when she’s given some human love – tends to then jump with both paws up on my shoulders (her sala is quite high, so it means she can reach!) and would happily stay there for a long time getting some scratches! Her eyes light up and she has a wee face that almost looks like a cartoon character.
She is a bit of a bossy boots to the other dogs, but also harmless! The other dogs respect her and tend to keep out of her way! She likes an easy-going, laid-back life!

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ACCT #: 404-918130-4
NAME: Nicola Muir

Pariah Dog Samui Thai Bank QR

Nicola Muir
IBAN: GB57BOFS80487910678160

Nicola Muir
Sort code: 80-48-79
Account number: 10678160