Sgt Stubbs - Pariah Dog Samui

Sgt. Stubbs

Sex: Male
DOB: Approx. 2017

Sgt Stubbs is one of our smallest dogs at the shelter, but he has a very big character! He’s got little legs but that doesn’t stop him from getting around quickly when he wants to! He’s a very chilled-out dog by nature, doesn’t get himself in any bother and likes to get on well with all the dogs in any compound that he’s been moved to. Despite him being friendly to the other dogs, the larger dogs in the biggest compound took advantage of his soft nature and he was recently a little bit beaten up by them (nothing serious, but he got a few scratches and was shaken up by it all, so sad) so we had to move him out of there to ensure his safety. Currently, he’s hanging out in the clinic area and he makes himself a little nest under the shelf in the clinic store room (where we keep all the medicines) so any time we are busy with the med rounds he pops out from his little nest to say hello and have a little cuddle and head rub! He’s a little shy but a very friendly little dog when he knows you.
When he was in the outdoor compound before, his favorite trick was to run and grab something when he saw me coming into his compound (a piece of chewed-up old coconut husk was the more common offering!) and then he would come up and proudly present me with his gift with a big smile (despite having his mouth full of “gift” and a lovely waggy tail!) He would trot around on his wee legs for a little while displaying his gift and then come right up to me and snuggle in and drop the gift at my feet. Cutest little thing ever!
Sgt Stubbs would be an amazing pet – he’s got a soft, kind nature and is a very cute little dog.

Sgt. Stubbs's Photo Gallery

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ACCT #: 404-918130-4
NAME: Nicola Muir

Pariah Dog Samui Thai Bank QR

Nicola Muir
IBAN: GB57BOFS80487910678160

Nicola Muir
Sort code: 80-48-79
Account number: 10678160